Furnace Repair

Is My Furnace in Odessa, TX, Beyond Repair?

December 7, 2023

If you don’t know if your furnace still has some life, there are signs you can look for to decide between repairs and replacement. A furnace in Odessa, TX, that’s beyond repair will generally be over 10 years old, have persistent problems like short-cycling and even have expensive components break down.

Furnace Age Is a Factor

Sometimes, all a furnace needs is a simple and inexpensive repair to give you a year or even longer of efficient performance. But repairs can be iffy if a furnace is close to 15 years old. Gas furnaces usually don’t last beyond 15 years. Oil and electric furnaces, though more durable, may not go beyond 25 years.

Expensive Repairs Not Worthwhile

To give you some idea of what furnace repairs would not be worth it for an old system, one is heat exchanger replacement. This component may rust and develop holes from which carbon monoxide can leak, and replacing it will cost over a thousand dollars. Changing the blower motor can cost just as much. Always consult a professional to determine whether you should repair or replace your heater.

High Bills and Poor Performance

Maybe you’ve had repairs done in the past with no improvement in the furnace’s operation, or you may see a rise in your monthly bill. If issues like short-cycling, cold spots and loud noises during operation persist, it seems clear that another repair won’t change things. You would want to replace the system before heating season begins in earnest.

Whether you need HVAC services or a new furnace installation done, call WTR (West Texas Refrigeration). We’ll send a highly trained service technician to your home in Odessa, TX. Our company has what it takes to tackle even the most complex installation work, and we have a wide selection of furnaces from Traneand other name brands.

Image provided by iStock

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