Commercial Refrigeration Repair

3 Common Commercial Refrigeration Issues in Big Springs, TX

March 11, 2023

Commercial refrigerators get put to the test every day and issues can arise at any time. Here are three of the most common problems you might see with a commercial refrigeration system in Big Springs, TX:

Wrong Temperature

If the temperature of your commercial refrigerator or freezer doesn’t match what you’ve set it to, you could end up losing a significant amount of product and money. A few factors could be at play, including:

  • Bad door seal.
  • Faulty compressor.
  • Too little refrigerant.
  • Dirty coils.
  • Poor airflow.

Accumulation of Ice

Ice can form inside your commercial refrigeration system. This can affect its ability to hold steady at a cold temperature. Ice could potentially indicate a problem with the defrost cycle or the air circulation, or this issue may be a symptom of dirty fans or filters. Our team can uncover what’s causing the ice accumulation and address the root cause, whether that involves cleaning a component or making a specific repair.

Loud Noises

A broken or worn-down fan motor could cause a commercial refrigeration system to make loud noises. The fan’s motor plays a vital role in keeping things cool. Therefore, you’ll need to have a service technician replace your malfunctioning motor relatively quickly. Alternatively, a broken compressor could result in unusual noises, and it’s an even more critical part than the fan’s motor, so that situation would warrant immediate attention.

A commercial refrigeration system can serve as the backbone of a business. If you need help with your commercial refrigerator, our team can jump into action on your behalf. Call us at WTR (West Texas Refrigeration) if you’d like us to take a look at your commercial refrigerator in Big Springs, TX. We’ll diagnose the issue quickly and provide a rapid repair that restores your commercial refrigeration system’s functionality.

Image provided by iStock

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